brass, and they agreed to allow us to take this shot. They were extremely cool about it, as a matter of fact. Their reaction was, if you can show there’s enough fan interest to warrant a movie, we’re on board. So this is it. This is our shot. I believe it's the only one we've got. Thomas acknowledges the steep uphill climb facing the film's financing — he's trying to raise $2 million, more than any other Kickstarter project ever, and all in 30 days, so he can release the Veronica Mars movie by 2014. Bell is pushing the online fundraising, telling Entertainment Weekly that they should really be shooting for $100 million. The craziest part about the whole project is it just might work. As of this writing, the project has already earned more than 1,200 backers and raised more than $100,000. That's more than $1,000 per minute. Someone has even donated the $10,000 to earn a speaking role should the movie actually get made — it's a tactic that didn't work out for the Kickstarter-funded disaster that appears to be the Lindsay Lohan vehicle The Canyons, but might just work for a franchise with a cultish fan base. Listen, the three seasons of this show were great, but shouldn't they be left alone to survive in our memories, untainted by an ill-fated attempt at a movie? Couldn't this thing be cheap and lame? No one wants to see Veronica Mars get all Sex and the City'd. But if this can actually happen, if they can get Logan, Duncan, Mac, Wallace, Weevil, Keith Mars, Piz (a hero of sorts around these parts), and, yes, even Dick Casablancas back together, well, hell, we'll be the first in line to buy a ticket. In the mean time, watch the promo made for a potential fourth season of Veronica Mars, which, of course, The CW never picked up:
Friday, 14 March 2014
Movie Veronica Mars Box Office
Watch Veronica Mars 2014 Full Movie

The last, sad gasp for a Veronica Mars movie has arrived. The show's creator did not find funding from Warner Brothers, so he... created a Kickstarter. As pathetic as that may sound, it almost worked for Lindsay Lohan, and thanks to a push by star Kristen Bell and from the not-yet-jaded fans of the show that remain, the donations are coming in at a record-breaking rate. And, well, they have to.
The rumors of a V-Mars movie have been kicking around since the show was finally put out of its misery after a hit-or-miss third season on then-newly rebranded The CW in 2007. The show ended with a series finale that was all devoted to the service of its (too few, apparently) devoted fans, with old characters coming back in grand fashion. Everything was great, except Rob Thomas (the showrunner, not the Matchbox 20 guy) would occasionally mention progress on a script or that he was willing to do it if the big, bad bad guys at Warner would finally give him the funding. They never did. So, five years after the show ended, he's resorted to Kickstarter — with Warner's permission:
Of course, Warner Bros. still owns Veronica Mars and we would need their blessing and cooperation to pull this off. Kristen and I met with the Warner Bros.
brass, and they agreed to allow us to take this shot. They were extremely cool about it, as a matter of fact. Their reaction was, if you can show there’s enough fan interest to warrant a movie, we’re on board. So this is it. This is our shot. I believe it's the only one we've got. Thomas acknowledges the steep uphill climb facing the film's financing — he's trying to raise $2 million, more than any other Kickstarter project ever, and all in 30 days, so he can release the Veronica Mars movie by 2014. Bell is pushing the online fundraising, telling Entertainment Weekly that they should really be shooting for $100 million. The craziest part about the whole project is it just might work. As of this writing, the project has already earned more than 1,200 backers and raised more than $100,000. That's more than $1,000 per minute. Someone has even donated the $10,000 to earn a speaking role should the movie actually get made — it's a tactic that didn't work out for the Kickstarter-funded disaster that appears to be the Lindsay Lohan vehicle The Canyons, but might just work for a franchise with a cultish fan base. Listen, the three seasons of this show were great, but shouldn't they be left alone to survive in our memories, untainted by an ill-fated attempt at a movie? Couldn't this thing be cheap and lame? No one wants to see Veronica Mars get all Sex and the City'd. But if this can actually happen, if they can get Logan, Duncan, Mac, Wallace, Weevil, Keith Mars, Piz (a hero of sorts around these parts), and, yes, even Dick Casablancas back together, well, hell, we'll be the first in line to buy a ticket. In the mean time, watch the promo made for a potential fourth season of Veronica Mars, which, of course, The CW never picked up:

brass, and they agreed to allow us to take this shot. They were extremely cool about it, as a matter of fact. Their reaction was, if you can show there’s enough fan interest to warrant a movie, we’re on board. So this is it. This is our shot. I believe it's the only one we've got. Thomas acknowledges the steep uphill climb facing the film's financing — he's trying to raise $2 million, more than any other Kickstarter project ever, and all in 30 days, so he can release the Veronica Mars movie by 2014. Bell is pushing the online fundraising, telling Entertainment Weekly that they should really be shooting for $100 million. The craziest part about the whole project is it just might work. As of this writing, the project has already earned more than 1,200 backers and raised more than $100,000. That's more than $1,000 per minute. Someone has even donated the $10,000 to earn a speaking role should the movie actually get made — it's a tactic that didn't work out for the Kickstarter-funded disaster that appears to be the Lindsay Lohan vehicle The Canyons, but might just work for a franchise with a cultish fan base. Listen, the three seasons of this show were great, but shouldn't they be left alone to survive in our memories, untainted by an ill-fated attempt at a movie? Couldn't this thing be cheap and lame? No one wants to see Veronica Mars get all Sex and the City'd. But if this can actually happen, if they can get Logan, Duncan, Mac, Wallace, Weevil, Keith Mars, Piz (a hero of sorts around these parts), and, yes, even Dick Casablancas back together, well, hell, we'll be the first in line to buy a ticket. In the mean time, watch the promo made for a potential fourth season of Veronica Mars, which, of course, The CW never picked up:
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